Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

We went back to the beach on Sunday - only this time we found the beach we wanted to go to last weekend: North Hampton Beach in NH. It really was quite perfect, although maybe 3 degrees - no more, no less - too chilly. We played on the beach, ate lunch on the beach (thanks to the seafood shack across the street) and then went for a naptime drive up the coast and took backroads to look at all of the old houses while Sebastien slept. Genevieve was too busy reading and singing to be bothered with napping, apparently. We ended up at a park in Portsmouth (well, New Castle to be exact) then we were on our way to another side-of-the-road seafood shack before heading home. It was a spectacular day.

 Monday morning we went to our town's parade. The kids seemed to enjoy it, but boy do I miss parades from when I was a kid in South Bend. I remember that the parades lasted for at least an hour and I'd come home with a baseball hat full of candy. Why does no one throw candy here? Do they still throw candy in South Bend? Who knows. There's probably some childhood obesity reason behind it...sigh. Anyway, I digress. After seeing the boy scouts, girl scouts, and middle school bands, we headed home for another lazy day of lounging in our backyard until heading to Dracut for dinner. If only every weekend could be 3 days long and this great!

1 comment:

Meagan Koes said...

We saw the Windham parade, too. My kids were like, "That's it?" :-)