Monday, May 28, 2012

Lovin the Lawn

On Saturday of our Memorial Day weekend, we spent most of the day outside in beautiful weather. We busted out the good old sprinkler and baby pool and I was pleasantly surprised that Sebastien loved to play in the water. I guess I always knew that this day would come (hooray!) but after 3 summers of him hating water, I was beginning to get discouraged. I can't wait now to take them to the splash pads in our area.

 Long after Genevieve had had enough and I brought her inside, Sebastien was still out there playing in the water. This picture was taken from inside.
 Dan had the ever-pleasant job of cutting the lawn on Saturday. You may remember that after last year we had no lawn left from the summer drought of 2010. Dan replanted our front lawn with a drought-hardy mix of clover, special grass, and some other stuff. This year, the clover is blooming, so our entire yard has pretty white flowers....not to mention a zillion honey bees and bumble bees.

 This was the lawn after only ONE WEEK! It grows so fast.
 A honeybee doing his thing.

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