Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sebastien's Big Deal

Last week a special item arrived in the mail for Mr. Sebastien. Disguised as a toy and really cool thing for him, it's really a tool that I've been using to make him sleep later in the morning, and hence, allow me to sleep later too. Sebastien had been getting up earlier and earlier so I bought this nifty little nightlite. I set it so it glows blue like a moon at 8pm when it's time for bed. It stays blue all night then turns into a yellow sun when it's time to get up (currently it's set to 7:30.) Sebastien knows he can't get up until the nitelite changes to a sun, and it's worked like a charm so far. He is so excited to go to bed when the moon turns on at night and is so excited to wake up when the sun comes up. He does wake up before the sun comes up sometimes, but he sits in his crib and waits for the nitelite to become a sun before yelling "Mommy! My sun come up. Time to wake up!" It's quite heavenly.

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