Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Trolley Time at the Beach

Today's report of life at the beach is as follows: Sebastien and Genevieve woke up at 6:30AM, which is earlier than normal, but they are just so excited about being here that I really can't blame them. We went out to the beach once everyone got up and Sebastien had so much fun splashing in the pools we dug him in the sand. Genevieve took a little beach nap and then enjoyed chilling in the shade. Sebastien is still very scared of the ocean water and won't go within 20 feet of it, which is ok with me for now. After nap, we went for a ride on the trolley that goes along the beach to downtown York Village, where we got off to play on the playground before heading back to the cottage for dinner. Of course baths and bedtime for the kiddos followed. It was a nice, full, relaxing day at the beach. Here are some photos:
Below: moon rising last night
Below: My little groundhog on the beach
Below: my sleeping beauty on the beach
Below: Sebastien and Grandpa on the see-saw at the park
Below: on the trolley!
Grandma & Grandpa on the trolley with the kiddos
Genevieve and Grandpa on the trolley
Do baby girls get any cuter than this?

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