Sunday, July 25, 2010

First Full Day of Beach Vacation in Maine

Luckily we have great internet access here at the beach, so coming to you only a few hours old are our pictures from our first full day.
Below: Genevieve was not a huge fan of the beach today but she was only out there for a little while and was already tired and hungry. Later this week we'll get her suit on and make her a little warm baby pool in the sand and hopefully she'll like it.
Sebastien loved making little pools and playing in them. Daddy made him a jump on this one and he spent countless hours jumping off of it into the puddle.
Below: Becca shows off the yummy lobster dinner on the porch of the beach house.

Below: Masse family photo.
Below: our family photo
Nice view from the porch at the end of the day.

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