Wednesday, May 12, 2010

2 month checkup and Hand-foot-mouth

Genevieve had her 2 month check-up on Monday. She was 22 in and 11 lbs 12 oz. She's in 50th percentile for height and 75th for weight, and 90th for head. Sebastien was always the opposite- big in body and small in head. Unfortunately Genevieve also has a flat head. It's not asymmetical like Sebastien's was but it is indeed flat. We're going to try and continue with propping her on her side to sleep as well as use a memory foam head wedge - thingy that we bought, but if it doesn't improve by 4 months, it looks like there could be another helmet in our future...ugh. At least the good news is that the sooner she gets the helmet, the less time she'll have to spend in it since they grow faster when they're younger and therefore the helmets work faster. Lil' G continues to amaze us with her sleeping habits. We put her to bed with Sebastien around 8 and she sleeps until 6 or 6:30. He then gets up around 7 or 7:30 so it's working out well (most mornings anyway) for us to get her fed before he wakes up.
Sebastien is dealing with his 2nd day of hand-foot-mouth sickness. He picked it up from his buddy who got it at daycare. He had a pretty high temp yesterday (104!) but we were able to keep it down with OTC meds and today his fever is controlled. He has a rash all over his body which looks bad but isn't itchy. His hands have started to get the rash and I've seen a few pimple-like things. Hopefully he won't get really bad blisters. There's nothing you can do for it, so we just have to wait it out and try to keep everyone else from getting it!

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