On Sunday Genevieve was baptized. She did very well and was awake for the first half but asleep by the time she had to undergo the water and oil. She didn't let out even a peep!
Monday, May 24, 2010
New England Aquarium
Grandpa Marty & Grammy arrived Friday morning, much to Sebastien's excitement. We had a relaxing day Friday and then headed down to Boston on Saturday. We all enjoyed the aquarium. Here is Sebastien looking at the penquins.
Can't think of a title...
Last week was spent moping around the house since Sebastien was getting over his hand-foot-mouth disease, but that was ok since we had to get the house ready for Grandma and Grandpa to come and for Genevieve's baptism. Here are some pics I snapped along the way...
Below: Sebastien is showing us how he teaches Genevieve to scold the dog. He shakes her hand up and down while saying "Geegee, No!" He does this with her several times a day. I don't think she quite has the hang of it yet, nor does she seem too interested in learning.
On Wednesday of last week, we made our first trip for ice cream of the season. Yes, it was in fact drizzling but darn it, we said we were going to go on Wednesday, so we went. The ice cream place is wonderful because it has plenty of picnic benches, little kid chairs, a chicken pen and goats for the kids to feed. Below is Sebastien checking out the chickens. He was not a big fan of the goats.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Hand Foot Mouth pics and a little more
It's been 4 days and we think Sebastien is about halfway through his hand-foot-mouth disease. I took him to the doctor Thursday and the doctor said it's the worse case he's ever seen because normally the rash & blisters are only on hands, feet, mouth and buttocks but he has them all over. The good thing is that the skin blisters don't really seem to bother him. Just the fever and the blisters inside his mouth are making him feel bad. Luckily he's still managing to eat and drink adequate amounts. We have our fingers crossed that Genevieve, Dan or I don't get it. It would be really bad timing too since Kim's parents come next weekend for the baptism.
Below: last weekend, the kids with Becca as she heads out to her senior prom
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
2 month checkup and Hand-foot-mouth
Genevieve had her 2 month check-up on Monday. She was 22 in and 11 lbs 12 oz. She's in 50th percentile for height and 75th for weight, and 90th for head. Sebastien was always the opposite- big in body and small in head. Unfortunately Genevieve also has a flat head. It's not asymmetical like Sebastien's was but it is indeed flat. We're going to try and continue with propping her on her side to sleep as well as use a memory foam head wedge - thingy that we bought, but if it doesn't improve by 4 months, it looks like there could be another helmet in our future...ugh. At least the good news is that the sooner she gets the helmet, the less time she'll have to spend in it since they grow faster when they're younger and therefore the helmets work faster. Lil' G continues to amaze us with her sleeping habits. We put her to bed with Sebastien around 8 and she sleeps until 6 or 6:30. He then gets up around 7 or 7:30 so it's working out well (most mornings anyway) for us to get her fed before he wakes up.
Sebastien is dealing with his 2nd day of hand-foot-mouth sickness. He picked it up from his buddy who got it at daycare. He had a pretty high temp yesterday (104!) but we were able to keep it down with OTC meds and today his fever is controlled. He has a rash all over his body which looks bad but isn't itchy. His hands have started to get the rash and I've seen a few pimple-like things. Hopefully he won't get really bad blisters. There's nothing you can do for it, so we just have to wait it out and try to keep everyone else from getting it!
Sebastien is dealing with his 2nd day of hand-foot-mouth sickness. He picked it up from his buddy who got it at daycare. He had a pretty high temp yesterday (104!) but we were able to keep it down with OTC meds and today his fever is controlled. He has a rash all over his body which looks bad but isn't itchy. His hands have started to get the rash and I've seen a few pimple-like things. Hopefully he won't get really bad blisters. There's nothing you can do for it, so we just have to wait it out and try to keep everyone else from getting it!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
VIDEO: Genevieve smiling at 8 weeks
VIDEO of Genevieve smiling at 8 weeks.
**I also posted some new pictures below!**
Outdoor fun - I think summer is here!
I'd like to think that summer is unofficially here. We've had gorgeous weather the last couple weeks and it looks like it will stay that way for the foreseeable future. Genevieve is starting to let her personality show the last week and it's one I think I'm gonna like. She's started "talking" and cooing back to us when we talk to her and sometimes she even holds conversations with herself. She can, however, be very whiny in what seems to be a very girly way. I think her girly whines are cute and funny rather than frustrating...generally. Aside from pleasing us with her personality, she also continues to please us with her sleeping habits. Tuesday night we put her to bed along with Sebastien at 8pm and they both slept until 6:30 am. Last night she did 8-5, which (we think) is very awesome. Basically it seems like if I can time it right so she gets a bath and drinks a full bottle right before 8pm, she'll go down and sleep until 6:30. Oh, before I forget, she weighed 11 lbs 4 oz the other day when I weighed her. Her official 2 month checkup is Monday though, so we'll see what the doctor says.
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