Monday, November 9, 2009

Everyday fall life...and a hike with cub scouts

It was another nice weekend here. Saturday was clear and chilly and Sunday was clear and warm. On Saturday Dan built new steps in the basement while Sebastien and I tried to rake some leaves. We didn't get very far before I got tired of raking three times, then chasing Sebastien, raking 3 more times, and geting Sebastien, over and over again. Oh well. I'm hoping to do a lot this week during my lunch breaks. Below is a picture of milk before bedtime. Sebastien has become a fan of making us read the same story over and over again to him. When we get near the end of the book he says "Ah-da! Ah-da!" which means "again! again!" (and it also means "all done" so you can see how confusing that becomes.)
Satruday morning he is bundled up while mommy rakes.
Sebastien headed for the stairs to the back porch. This is one of the reasons I had to keep chasing him. Gwynnie watches in amusement.
Falling asleep mid PB&J.
Sunday morning we went hiking with our friend Rick, his son, and a pack of cub scouts. Rick has a friend from work who invited us along. Below is a picture of how excited Sebastien was to go hiking. All we did was set his backpack carrier on the floor and Sebastien sat on top of it ready to go.
Below: Dan carrying Sebastien & Rick carrying Luke.
Not the best family picture, but the sun was really bright!
Later that night, Sebastien tries to walk Gwynnie. Mostly that means Gwynnie walks around and Sebastien follows holding the leash.

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