Thursday, April 30, 2009

Not sure I'm ready for this....the helmet.

Sebastien got his helmet today to correct his mishapen and flat head. He starts off slowly and will wear it more hours each day. By next week he should be wearing it 23 hours a day. This will go on for about 2 months. Sebastien doesn't seem to mind it much except when he lays down it pushes one ear forward and he cries. We'll need to get that fixed on Monday morning back at the helmet doctor before he can wear it while sleeping. So here are some pics.


Life in the Bend said...

I think it looks cute. Now all he needs is a motorcycle!

Sarah Reece said...

Oh, poor little guy! At least he doesn't seem to mind it and it will be worth it in the end! Love reading the blog, Kim, keep it up!

Teresa said...

Yup, he seems to think his teddy bears are pretty cool :-) He is quite adorable Kim! Love seeing pictures!

Luke Richard said...

He is so Xtreme. I am getting him a skateboard