Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Back to Work for Kim

So I had to go back to work this week...bummer. Sebastien has been doing well at daycare- or so they say. They keep saying he's such a good baby. The only problem is that the toddlers are having a hard time saying his name. One of them calls him "Babastian" and one of them calls him something that sounds like "Pass the basin." There is only one other infant there and he is 2 months older than Sebastien. I'm sure someday they'll be friends. Sebastien even has him for the Christmas gift exchange- haha. On Monday night, Dan & I decided to try taking Sebastien to a movie and surprisingly it worked out great. We saw the new James Bond movie and despite the film's loud noises, Sebastien just sat on my lap and watched about half the movie (with very wide eyes) until he fell asleep. Here are some of the latest pics:

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