Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Tree Hunting

Saturday we went to our favorite place to cut down a Christmas tree. This is the third year in a row and each year seems special. The first year Sebastien was only 3 months old. Last year was his first time walking in snow. And this was Genevieve's first year. Both kids seemed to really enjoy it.
Below: Here's Dan and Sebastien headed down the hill to find a tree.
Below: quick picture of Kim with the kids in the tree farm
Below: We found it! Here's the kids modeling in front of the tree that would soon reside in our living room.
Below: Sebastien enjoying a cookie in the little shack after we cut down the tree.
Below: Genevieve and Sebastien watch daddy tie the tree to the car.
And when we got home, both kids took a nap at the same time so we were able to put up the outside Christmas lights and the lights on the tree. What a productive and fun day!

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