Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tree Removal

On Friday we had 7 pine trees removed from our yard. Our neighbors who had a tree fall through their house during the last windstorm, also had 7 removed. This was quite the site to see, not just for Sebastien but for anyone. There was a huge crane that lifted the trees right over the house! See the VIDEO post below for some footage. Kim took the kiddos to playgroup and then over to Grandma & Grandpa's for the day just in case one of those trees would happen to fall on the house. Luckily there were no mishaps and all went well. The tree company will be back next week to grind up the stumps and take the logs. Then we'll have a lot of lawn repair to do!
Below: Sebastien marvels at all of the trucks and equipment outside. Here he is pointing to the crane that just arrived.

Below: Daddy is equally fascinated
Below: Here's what the side yard and trees looked like before any came down.
Below: another "before" photo
Below: And then they started coming down...
Below: A good view of how tall the crane (and the trees) were.
Below: and off comes the top!
Below: hauling away some of the trunks.
Genevieve is NOT amused by the tree activity.
Below: photos from Saturday morning. Sebastien loves being a big brother.
Below: Lil' G at 6.5 weeks.

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